So last night on my train ride home, a song popped up on my iPod that I have not heard in a long time. And if I had heard it, I probably didn't really hear what the lyrics were saying. Last night, the words truly hit me. I loved what it was saying!
There's a place I go when I'm alone
Do anything I want, be anyone I wanna be
My place is here! I started this blog because I've been feeling isolated and alone. But here, I can get everything off my chest, without caring about hurting anyone's feelings or being awkward or anything. This is MY place to be whoever I want.
I've been feeling alone lately with all the TTC going on. My best friend is single, and desperate for a boyfriend. I can commiserate with her desire. I can't imagine going home to an empty apartment every night after a long day of work. The single most happy time of my day is when I pull into the driveway and Hubby greets me on the porch with Girly spinning around at our feet. BUT it is entirely because my friend feels so alone that I can't talk to her about TTC. She even said when I got married that it would be too much for her to handle if Hubby and I had a baby before she had a boyfriend.
Not to make my dear friend sound terrible. I just know how lonely she feels sometimes. To be fair, I did let her know that Hubby and I are trying, and she'll be one of the first to know if anything takes. But since I can't talk to her about the trying process, I am feeling a little pent up. I have all these emotions racing through my head that I can't release - except for here.
I don't know what I would do if I didn't have this place. So that is why I have chosen "Dream Catch Me" by Newton Faulkner as the anthem for my safe haven.