So... I went to the breastfeeding class by myself on Sunday. It actually was fine that Hubby wasn't there, so thanks for the support!
The class itself was informative, but not exactly the most earth-shattering 2-hour session I've been to. The teacher talked about how to get a proper latch, and how to tell if the baby is not latched properly. There was a video to help show this - which was very helpful. Some information on what to do if ___. Some information (I expected this) on why breastfeeding is the best thing in the world and how can you love your baby if you don't do it.
Let's be realistic people. I want to breastfeed my baby. It is good for the baby. It is good for the mom. It is less expensive (in the long run). And so many other things. But if my baby isn't getting enough food, I'm going to give her some formula! And once I go back to work, I have no idea if I'll be able to keep pumping. I work in a very supportive environment, so I'd like to think that I'll be able to pump. But I keep wondering where said pumping might occur! Definitely not at my cubicle (where I happen to be on the end. with a window onto a busy hallway). Definitely not in the file room (the only place near my desk with a door - and no cameras!). Definitely not in either of the glass-walled conference rooms. This leaves the bathroom. Where there is no place to sit. So we'll see.
Things that I did get out of the class? A very heartwarming feeling about the hospital at which I will be delivering. I have wanted to have Lulu placed on me all slimey and wonderful immediately after her birth. I have wanted to be able to hold her for as long as possible before the exams and bath. I have wanted to feed her as soon as possible.
And the hospital fully supports and encourages these actions. Insert relieved smile.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Class
Caitlin MidAtlantic