Saturday, August 22, 2009

L.A. Cotton Candy

I can't believe I read this: L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad

Desperation? Perhaps. I am on the beach, and I suppose it was a good (if fast) beach read. I mean, it's not like you have to think real hard about the plot. I was not expecting the end, and am actually a little upset that I will now be FORCED to read the sequel...

It's definitely a fluff read. Not terrible, actually. But not great. Who knew; Lauren Conrad can read!

**Disclaimer: I did not buy this book, nor had a planned to. I am at the beach, needed a book, and this is what my sister handed me.

***Another disclaimer: I don't watch "The Hills," nor do I plan to. On the other hand, I do not hate on people that might. Enjoy!