And without further ado, the weekly update (with picture!):
Maternity clothes? My online order from Old Navy arrived on Friday, and I am not looking back. I tried to apologize to Hubby for the credit card bill he's going to get soon, and he said, "Hun, you are pregnant. You need this stuff." Isn't he the best?
Sleep: Still pretty good... as long as I have my pillows in the right spots!
Best moment this week: Realizing that gender disappointment is ok, and that I'm not alone.
Movement: This is also a winner for best moment this week. Hubby felt Lulu move this morning! Her kicks have been getting stronger, so I knew he'd be able to feel something soon. Yay for this morning!!
Food cravings: Hamburgers, salad
Gender: GIRL!!! (and I actually am excited about it)
Labor signs: No thank you!
Belly button? Definitely looking weird.
What I miss: Pants with a zipper and button. I hate this maternity pants crap.
What I am looking forward to: Stew for dinner! Which means leftovers!
Weekly wisdom: My Hubby is the greatest. (still.)
Milestones: Lulu is moving and strong enough to be felt on the outside.