We have been busy chez moi! I've been meaning to post something meaningful, my apologies. Here's a quick look at what's been happening:
1) We went to birth class!
A two-day jam-packed information session on how to give birth at our hospital of choice. This included everything from what things might feel like, when to hop in the car, what to bring (and what is completely unnecessary), and where to go at the hospital. I have to say, I already new a lot of the birthing information from the fantastic yoga class I go to every week. Which is reassuring in a way - I feel as though I've been preparing myself really well! The parts that were most valuable to me were:
(a) Hubby actually heard everything from someone other then me (even though he said, "Duh, it's all common sense.") Yes. It is common sense. But it's good to start thinking about it now! and,
(b) the hospital tour. I feel so much more ready for The Day now that I know where to go and what everything looks like. I am definitely someone who needs to know logistics to feel comfortable.
2) I wrote a crappy nineteen-page paper! It was supposed to be 20-25, but I just couldn't write anything else. And I couldn't add anymore pictures. And my bibliography just was not going to exceed two pages. So I called it a day and sent it in. I'm so over grad school, I just don't even care anymore. (Good thing I have another 15-20 page paper due in the next two weeks...)
3) I'm 32 weeks!!! Feeling... much less comfortable. I have been so lucky this whole pregnancy, in so many ways. Hubby and I had no trouble getting or staying pregnant, for which we count our blessings everyday. I had little morning sickness. I've stayed cute. I only have a few stretchmarks on my boobs (I keep expecting real ones anyday now...). I can eat as much sugar as I like. And I've been reallllllly comfortable! Till now. Lulu has a foot lodged deep between my ribs. It hurts. I arch my back in weird ways to relieve the sharp heel-induced pain, which makes my upper back ache to no end. It's all for a good cause - I mean, at least Lulu has that little foot, and I'm sure it's a cute one at that!! And, considering everything, I still have a lot of energy and am still generally feeling good. Like I said, I'm incredibly lucky.
4) I planned and pulled off a holiday party at work! Along with two co-workers, we planned and hosted a very fun party this afternoon. I can honestly say, this was one of the best holiday parties my office has had in a long time. The theme (fire and ice) was just enough to spark people's creativity for the potluck. We had spicy, red foods and we had cold, blue snacks. The spread was as tasty as it was colorful, and people really had a lot of fun!
5) Our stroller/car seat combo arrived!! It's a huge relief, knowing that we have a seat restraint to bring Lulu home from the hospital in. I would still like to wait to use it for at least 6 more weeks. You hear that, little girl??
6) Hubby and I are hosting our annual holiday party on Saturday! I'd invite you all, but then I'd have to lift my mask of anonymity. The house isn't ready at all... we have a Christmas tree in the stand (and I'm trying to remember to water it), but it's not decorated. I haven't even brought the decorations up from the basement yet! And the house is a MESS. I seriously don't even know where to start. Not that I've had time! It'll get clean, the house will be decorated, and the party will be terrific. I just need to survive that long!
I think that's about it... I hope you all are enjoying the holidays!