The Pubis Symphysis is the area where the bones of the pelvis come together and are held by some ligament tissue or something. This is also the area that, in a woman, spreads prior to squeezing out a 7-pound baby. From reading wikipedia, this spreading happens in most women during labor and delivery.
Most women.
Lucky me, my pelvis has already started spreading! While I'm thrilled that my body is getting ready to pop Lulu into the world, I'm not so thrilled to have searing pain with every step I take. It even hurts if I'm sitting the wrong way! My doctor tells me this is normal, and that heating pads will help.
I'm guessing that standing in the 30* cold waiting for a train to arrive won't help.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Pubis Symphysis
Caitlin MidAtlantic
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