If you are pregnant or considering the possibility, please take this advice. Do make an attempt to slow down and ask for help. Lifting things and running up and down stairs really isn't a good idea.
In the midst of all my cleaning and organizing last night, I suddenly felt very achy and flu-like, a bit nauseous, and all primarily located on the right side of my abdomen. I ignored it for a little, simply thinking, "I wonder why I feel so crappy."
Then it occurred to me. I was probably overexerting myself, and bringing on some sort of contraction. I did what they tell you to do: stopped what I was doing, drank a lot of cool water, and laid down on my left side.
Funny thing. It worked.
The lesson here is: Listen to your body. Don't be stupid. You can move the breadmaker later.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A word to the wise
Caitlin MidAtlantic
3rd Tri|Pregnancy|things you never knew about pregnancy|