I have been totally absent from my blog - just too much going on to write! That hasn't stopped me from reading and commenting, but I haven't felt much inspiration for much more than adding my thoughts to your writings.
So here's just a recap on where I've been this week:
Monday - puking on the train
Tuesday - trying to rehydrate after puking the previous day. And getting my first post-partum period. Not pleasant.
Wednesday - work trip to Philadelphia! Fun! But not much time for blogging :)
Thursday - staff picnic! LOTS OF FUN! Except that I once again didn't eat and got dehydrated. This time we're dealing with the other end
Tomorrow is Friday. One more day to the holiday weekend. And I can.not. wait for the weekend! I just hope I'm feeling better asap. Because this sucks. I would really like to ingest more than saltines and gingerale in the coming days.
How will you celebrate the 4th?
Thursday, July 1, 2010
What a weird week
Caitlin MidAtlantic