Friday, February 4, 2011


I find that I get the best ideas for blog posts at night, when I'm lying in bed reflecting on my day.  These great posts float into my brain - I even start writing them as I drift off to sleep.  In the morning, I think "Wow, that was a great post idea.  What was it again?"  Last night, as I lay reflecting on my day, I could hear Nate and my mother-in-law laughing along to "Outsourced" on NBC.*

Listening to the show through an air vent while trying to fall asleep, I couldn't get the exact gist of all the jokes, but I could laugh along in my own way.  Having been on the line with several Indian and Russian customer service reps in the last few days, I knew exactly what the jokes were driving at.

Have you seen this ad?

I was seriously on the fun with a Russian guy named "Lucky" the other day, trying how to process a tax refund for a business expense on  He kept telling me to send a fax to get the refund.  Ok, thanks "Lucky," but to whom am I sending this fax?  And with what information?  After about 5 minutes on hold while he asked his supervisor (presumably "Peggy" from the ad above) he came back with the following response: You send the fax on the fax machine with the tax refund request asking for the tax refund.
Gee, thanks Lucky!  I was finally able to ascertain the required information after a fifteen minute phone call.  I thanked "Lucky" for his time, and was tempted to say "Na zdorovje" (to your health) as I hung up the phone.

Yesterday, I found myself on the phone with a customer service rep once again, this time I had "Susan," who was clearly from India.  "Susan" was even less helpful than "Lucky," as she was not authorized to give me the information I needed over the phone.  I asked to whom I should speak instead, since I really needed the information and I really was who I said I was.  "Susan" merely replied, once again, that she could not give me the information I needed over the phone.  I could not bring it in my heart to be as patient with "Susan" as I had been with "Lucky."  "YOU ARE SO NOT HELPFUL!" I yelled into the receiver as I slammed it onto the hook.

"Madhuri" as played by Anisha Nagarajan
Photo from here
Listening to the guffaws below me last night, I began to regret somewhat my words to "Susan."  I'm sure "Susan" was sitting in some Indian call center, as shy and unassuming as Madhuri on "Outsourced" (played by Anisha Nagarajan).  My harsh words accomplished nothing for either of us, and were probably hurtful to "Susan."  I'm sure "Susan" is yelled at 99% of her day, and I simply added to that.  Not cool. 

Can I promise that in the future I'll be nicer to every customer service rep I need to speak with?  No.  But I can try.  In the meantime, "Outsourced" will continue to make me crack up with laughter.  It's so funny because it's so true!

*Whose idea was it to move "Outsourced" - and 30 Rock! - to such a late time slot??  I can't stay up that late!  And I love those shows!