Just out of curiousity, I peeked back through the archives to see what I was writing about a year ago. I was in a very different place a year ago, struggling to bond with my daughter. I don't believe in coincidences, because they are usually far too poignant to just be happy accidents. I peeked back through the archives and read the post I wrote on June 14, 2010, Faking It. In it, I wrote:
I hate lying through my teeth to every person I meet. I would love for once to just say, "You know what, I am having a hard time feeling any attachment to my baby. Please stop gushing over how easy it must be to love her."
What a difference a year makes. I stand here today, June 14, 2011, a far happier person. I love my family. I ache to get home at night. I look forward to playing with Laura until bedtime. I often push bedtime back as late as possible, since we are having so much fun. This year when people ask me about motherhood, I tell them with complete honesty that I love being a mother, and that I can't imagine my life without Laura.
A year ago, if someone had asked me about a plan for a second child, I would have felt a tightening in my chest, as the mere thought of another baby and more responsibility would send me into spasms of hatred, nausea and fear. This year, I am excitedly counting down the days till I hit the last pill in the packet. In twenty-eight days, Nate and I will start to try for another baby. In twenty-eight days, we will hope the stars align so we can make a baby brother or sister for Laura.
Today, June 14, 2011, I look at my family and see a wonderful haven of love and honesty. But I also see a vacancy, a position to be filled. We are meant to add a fourth member to our family. We are happy now, but we are not complete. Last year, I was a shell of a person, desperately searching for my most basic self. This year, I know who I am, and am searching to add more. What a difference a year makes.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Difference
Caitlin MidAtlantic
Baby Blues|Family|TTC|