Monday, October 31, 2011

Hap Haweee!

You guessed it, that's how Laura was shouting Happy Halloween all morning!  I thought it would be a better blog post title that "Teat!" which is how she was shouting trick or treat all morning.  On second though, maybe I'd get more hits if it was titled "teat"...

Months ago, like in August, my mom sent me an iPhone picture of a poodle costume she grabbed for Laura at TJMaxx for $20.  Nate and I weren't overly enamored of the costume choice, but it was better than nothing.  We saved the costume for later.

Two weeks ago, Nate looked up during a Dora marathon and said, "You know, Laura really ought to be Boots for Halloween, she loves him so much."  I put on my supermom cape, googled "Boots Halloween Costume," and began swimming through the links to hideous adult costumes, heavy on the boots.   And then I found a Boots the Monkey costume template on Nick Jr. website.  I was impressed that Nick Jr. was openly encouraging moms to make a costume, rather than buy something from them.

So I googled "lavendar sweat suit" and bought one on eBay.  I bought fabric.  I printed templates.  I sewed.   I sewed some more.  The result: pure supermom awesomeness!

We had gorgeous weather yesterday.  The kind that made me want to do a Halloween costume photoshoot.  I grabbed the Boots costume and the toddler.  And lost an epic battle of wills in which Laura spent most of the day running around without a shirt.  She wanted no part of wearing the lovingly hand-stitched Boots costume.  She did consent to run around like a pink poodle for half an hour.

I'm not sure which she'll wind up wearng tonight, as we wander the streets begging for candy.  I do know she'll be cute, no matter what!

Are your kids dressing for Halloween?  Share your photos with Sellabitmum and Four Plus an Angel!
<div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img border="0" title="Four Plus an Angel" src=""/></a></div>

And I'm also linking up with Nicole at By Word of Mouth Musings for her Halloween link-up!  In honor of Laura's current favorite stuffed animal, Catty, I am naming the bat "Batty."  She'd like that very much.
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a></center>