**Serious Spoilers Ahead!**
Ok, obviously the HBO show has little to do with the books at this point. I am guessing that the show will not even touch on the vampire convention - which was my favorite of the books. Alas, we will not be seeing more of Eric and less of Bill.
But that's ok. I've decided to treat the books and the show as completely separate entities. This is necessary, anyway, since the whole story behind Claudine and Fae world has been completely butchered. But I digress. I typed up the following notes while watching the season finale (note in italics). If one is to treat the show as it's own being, in a vacuum, with no relation to the books. I did actually like this season. And I liked this episode!
Godric to Eric: Forgiveness is love. Love is all.
Loved this line. These are words to live by. And I think I'll try that. Maybe.
Sookie to Russell: Your word's worth about as much as tits on a turtle
Ha! Another great line! I only wish I could pull that off. Like "Y'all." I wish I could pull that one off too.
Sookie may have enjoyed pulverizing Talbot's, er, remains a bit too much
What was with that demonic look on her face? OK, fine. APaq might not be the best actress in the world, but she's not usually that bad, is she?
Sookie to Alcide: When am I not in trouble?
Isn't that the truth, sister!
Lip quiver is killing me! But I like the new hair, kinda.
Do I like the new hair? Maybe? I can't decide. You know what I do not like? The freaking lip quiver. I hope that Tara driving off into the night means we won't have to see her anymore. Or maybe HBO will take a cue from the Soap Opera world and just recast her.
HOLY WHAT?!!!! BILL! OMG! Did not see that one coming. AT. ALL.
When did Bill become so devious? That whole scenario just didn't make sense to me. And... and... and... I just don't even have a reaction, really.
Love the Queen's dress! Like OMG!
Wouldn't I look cute in that? Oh, thanks! You guys are so sweet! You know what I didn't love? The stupid rising into the air before attacking move.
Does this mean we can see more of the Fae world? I half hope so, and half hope not. If we can meet the grandfather, I will like it (I think).
So. That's it. We have to wait another whole year to find out what happens with Sookie and her crew. Let's just hope things start to look up for poor, sweet Lafayette.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
True Blood Tuesday
Caitlin MidAtlantic
True Blood|