Dear Hubby,
I know you are very sad right now that the Penguins lost in game 7 to the Canadiens. As much as I love the Penguins, I have to admit I am relieved that our hockey season is over. I know you'll watch some more hockey here and there, but our lives will not revolve around the Pens game. We will not have to cancel plans with friends because "the Pens are on." I can watch the remaining episodes of Lost (wah!) on the big TV with the sound turned up. You might even pay a little attention to Laura, Girly and me. Maybe I won't have to repeat myself 8 times to ask you to change Laura's diaper (at the end of the period, of course). I would have liked to see another Stanley Cup win too, but my life has not ended because of last night's loss. If anything, I feel like I have a little bit of my life back.
Love, C
Dear Friends,
Thanks for all your supportive comments. I was a little up yesterday, but am back down today. I keep thinking "It'll get better when ___." But I'm not sure that's the case. Maybe it'll get better when I quit breastfeeding? But probably not.
Love, C
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Lord Stanley
Caitlin MidAtlantic
Baby Blues|Hubby|musings|