My stomach lurched. My father-in-law posted on Facebook, announcing to the world at large the pregnancies of his DIL (me) and daughter. I was not ready to have my pregnancy on Facebook. I still had very close friends and family I needed to tell - and I did not want them finding out secondhand on Facebook of all places.
I was furious. Thankfully, my FIL respectfully removed the post minutes after I asked him. But lord almighty. I just can't understand sharing someone else'e good news! I know he's excited, but I'm only just 12 weeks. My sister-in-law is so early, she hasn't even been to the doctor yet! Leave that information off the interwebs!
Ok, I figured it was probably a kick in the pants for a mass email to those close friends and family. I sent out a nice, private email with a picture of the happy big sister to be, which I planned post on FB under my own terms the next day.
This plan was great, with emails galore from loved ones, till 3pm. A facebook post from a cousin congratulating me on the pregnancy. But since nearly half a day had passed since the inital email, I decided to stop caring. I posted the good news on Facebook. It's official. Facebook official. I'm pregnant!