Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Static Cling

Laura has been super clingy lately.  She sticks to me like glue.  If I'm not already holding her, she reaches for me until I pick her up.  Laura will be playing all nicely on the floor; as soon as she sees me?  Bam.  She's crying and reaching.  Does she do this with Hubby?  Nope.  Daddy is fun and Mommy is for whines and hugs.

Meanwhile, I have been clingy with Hubby in my own right.  I nuzzle up to him on the couch.  I go out of my way for snuggles.  I reach for him.  And yet, Hubby has not picked up on my subtle clues.  I'm horny dammit!  I have needs!  I was less than subtle this evening.  No dice.  But if this streak keeps up, I might explode. 

Was this post dangerous?  Was it too much information?  Good.  Because I am a Dangerous Blogger!  NaBloPoMo, baby!