Total weight gain/loss: +38
Maternity clothes? I wish I could wear my velour sweatsuit everyday.
Sleep: Not great. The weird up-for-three-hours thing hasn't repeated, but I'm just not sleeping well. I feel out of breath, even when lying on my side.
Best moment this week: My fourth (and last?!) baby shower! It was lovely, and I feel very loved and special.
Movement: Constant.
Food cravings: Dairy, still. I did invest in some Lactaid, and that seems to be helping.
Gender: GIRL!!!
Labor signs: As of Friday, I was still closed, but softer and starting to thin. I had a contraction scare around Wednesday or Thursday, but it wound up being gas... The scrunching pressure I felt in the shower today might be a little more real though!
Belly button? Out, but still oddly shaped.
What I'm looking forward to this week: Friday is my last day of work!! (Well, until April)
What I miss: Restful sleep.
Weekly wisdom: Oh I don't know!
Milestones: Two weeks away, one more week of work, starting to get things finished up around the house. Still haven't felt that nesting urge yet...